STOP Sinusitis

Sinus problems can have a profound and negative impact on your life. Symptoms like congestion and headaches can harm both your physical and mental health, affecting your overall well-being. Dallas Breathe Free is here to provide the relief you need so you can start enjoying your daily activities, social events, and live your life to the fullest once again. Let’s put an end to your sinusitis together!

An illustration depicting a comparison of healthy sinuses and sinusitis, with annotations, for a medical center.

STOP Symptoms of Sinusitis

Sinusitis symptoms are distinct from those of a common cold. While cold symptoms typically resolve within 3-5 days, sinusitis and its array of ailments persist for more than 10 days without improvement. Additional symptoms may include:

  • Facial pain and/or pressure near the eyes, nose, jaw, and teeth
  • Fatigue due to poor sleep associated with pain and congestion
  • Low-grade fever
  • Persistent congestion from swollen nasal passages leading to difficulty breathing and a stuffy nose
  • Blocked nasal passageways
  • Reduced sense of taste and smell
  • Headaches
  • Mucus trickling down the back of the nose into the throat (postnasal drip)
  • Green or yellow mucus draining from the nose (nasal discharge)

Obtaining a proper diagnosis for sinusitis from a trusted ENT specialist is crucial. At Dallas Breathe Free, our team of dedicated professionals is here to help you put an end to your sinus issues.

Man holding a tissue with a blurred rectangle obscuring the upper part of the body.

STOP Sinusitis and Revitalize Your Health

Individuals suffering from sinusitis have various treatment options available with our trusted physician, ranging from over-the-counter medications to surgical interventions.

  • Medication: Based on your symptoms, their severity, and duration, our doctor may recommend medications to ease your discomfort. This might include prescriptions, over-the-counter remedies, or home-based treatments:

o Decongestants: These are used to reduce swelling of the sinus lining.

o Nasal and systemic steroids: Chronic inflammation can be reduced with these treatment options.

o Mucolytics: These help to thin thickened nasal secretions.

o Sinus irrigation: This is an effective way to cleanse the sinuses.

  • Balloon Sinuplasty: Balloon sinuplasty, or balloon sinus dilation, is an office-based, minimally invasive intervention that gently enlarges your natural sinus openings to improve drainage and enhance your nasal anatomy. It offers a patient-friendly alternative to surgery.

o  STOP sinusitis with one single procedure.

o  This convenient balloon procedure is performed in the comfort of our office and takes about an hour.

o  It provides a quick recovery time with exceptional results.

Illustration of 4-step Balloon Sinuplasty procedure for treating sinusitis.
  • Sinus Surgery: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) may be an appropriate option for select sinusitis sufferers. This procedure aims to increase your sinus drainage by improving your nasal anatomy, thereby enhancing the natural flow of mucus from your sinus openings. Balloon sinuplasty can also be utilized during a FESS procedure.

STOP Sinusitis with Dallas Breathe Free

At Dallas Breathe Free, Dr. Trimble and his experienced team want to help you put an end to your sinusitis. Request an appointment today with our skilled and compassionate professionals so we can help you stop your sinusitis and reclaim your vitality.

Two people riding bicycles in a park with autumn foliage.